Additional items that might be considered are:

     (1) How does this provide accessibility for the disabled? A phone
     system works wonderfully for many people, however the deaf and mute
     require special technology (TTY, etc.).

     (2) Ensuring people have the phone number! One solution is to have
     cards with the number available. One might use a business-style card
     for this purpose- it could even be used as a marketing tool.

     (3) Determining how you might use the data collected. As mentioned, it
     might be an "instant trouble resolution line." A better implementation
     might be on a trial basis relating to one particular exhibition.

     (4) Transcribing the data may be time consuming. This doesn't make it
     impossible, however!

     Just some thoughts!

     -Steve Eichner
     [log in to unmask]

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Diane Peterson writes:
I seek advice about a museum phone line to record callers' complaints and
compliments on museum operations.

I am researching the advisability of proposing a comment line as an
evaluation tool at The Science Museum of Minnesota.  Providing a call-in
number to visitors so they can quickly, conveniently, and annonymously leave
a recorded message commenting about the museum seems, at first thought, a
good data-gathering mechanism.  Could this be an efficient way to get
visitor reactions to what works well and what does not?