On Thursday, July 31, Christopher Henry Whittle wrote:

"anyone can cut hair and anyone can shelf books"

Grammar aside, what kind of ludicrous statement is this?
The "salary" thread has gone on too long already, but why
suddenly attack librarians?  According to this type of
thinking, the ability to recognize numerical values and the
alphabet is all one needs to know to be a librarian--the
remainder of their educational training is worthless?

Give me a break.

We all feel -at times- overqualified and underpaid.  But,
there are also times when the challenges are everything we
ever hoped for and more.  There are times when I have felt
that I have utilized every bit of the two masters degrees I
have earned, and I am delighted to be able to say that.
There have been times when very little of my education and
training have been utilized to accomplish a task.  That's
just life.  I would imagine that an executive at General
Motors feels the same way.

So, let's keep this discussion on a higher plane, shall we?
There's no need to start the flame war between libraries and
museums for the bazillionth time.

Jay Smith
Executive Director
Reno County Museum
Hutchinson, Kansas

-usual disclaimers apply-