I guess like John said, if you can maintain both platforms then you've
got it covered, especially when the bureaus want things in Mac format.
We primarily use PCs because it has been invoked by the director.  A
friend of mine who works for Kodak loves her Mac equipment and just
doesn't understand why we don't revolt and get Macs.  Interestingly
enough, last year Kodak chucked most of their Macs out to get new PCs.
Something to do with a network system.  Jane was able to keep her
machinery but got new PC equipment.

We haven't had any problems with print shops converting our info,
however, there is a cost factor.  All that design work your graphic
designer spent time on now has be re-formatted.  So guess who has to pay
for the new "design."  Make sure that when you do spend time on graphics
that the outside vendor can read your info.


Olivia S. Anastasiadis, Curator
Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace
18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard
Yorba Linda, CA  92886
(714) 993-5075; fax (714) 528-0544; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

On Fri, 25 Jul 1997 15:44:12 GMT SandyM2907 <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Sorry for the cross-postings:
>Hey, guys help us out:
>Question:  How many of you out there are currently investing in
>technology?  Are you predominently purchasing Wintel machines?  Is
>any trends in the Museum world to standardize on one platform?  Any
>you could shed on this subject would be most helpful
>Sandy Moore
>Network Administrator
>The Toledo Museum of Art
>[log in to unmask]