A quick history.  Community leaders were aware of the success of several
relatively new aquariums.  There is a continuing  interest the community
in promoting tourism especially on the waterfront.  A study was done that
showed, in the consulting firm's opinion, that an aquarium on the
waterfront(near cruise ship docks) would draw hundred of thousands of
paying visitors, enough to not only cover operating costs (and here is the
killer) but service millions of dollars in construction bonds issued by a
government body.  They have never even come close, the city (which I
believe guar. payment on the bonds) is not happy.  The reasons for
failure? Location, Location, Location.  The institution will survive,
since the bonds have to be paid in any case, but as kind of a shadow of
what it might have been.  An effort has been made to sell the aquarium, to
Seaworld or another major tourist attraction operato,r but no go.