In article <v01530506afeadd3d27de@[]>, Jeffory Morris
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hello everyone:
>Better yet, is there software to assist in the preparing and maintenance of
>a museum and archives disaster preparedness plan?
>If there is such an animal, is it available for the Mac?
I'm just wondering what such software would calculate/do.  I do see what
having another museum's disaster preparedness plan (and preferably lots
of them) in front of one can do.  Do you mean software that prompts for
things like 'what are the priority objects to rescue?' and 'where are
the back-up discs stored?'?

I do like the name 'disaster preparedness plan': far better than our
'Disaster Plan'!
Pat Reynolds
[log in to unmask]
Keeper of Social History, Buckinghamshire County Museum
   "It might look a bit messy now, but just you come back in 500 years time"
   (T. Prattchet)