The National Park Service posts archaeology positions (mostly fieldwork)
on AVADS (the Department of the Interior's Automated Vacancy Annoucement
Distribution Service). To view the job listings visit them on the web:

Good Luck!

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 23:56:11 GMT SatarNag <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>As a recent graduate in archaeology, I am finding it difficult to find
>job.  Even with my Bachelor's degree, Museums are not willing to hire
>or lack the funding to employee me. I am currently working in a
>position, and am seeking employment. If any of you know what
>approaches to
>take, please e-mail me. I thank you for your time.
>Mr. Mehrdaud Kowsari
>E-mail    [log in to unmask]