Dear Christine,

Peter Stevenson's response to your question is a good one.  It really
does depend on the exhibition/subject and the kind of museum you work
for.  Another factor involving the kind of exhibition you will ultimately
end up with is the available space you have for exhibitions.  Now, don't
get me wrong on this one.  Size of space has no direct correlation to
whether you end up with a scholarly or fluff exhibition; but it is a
factor as to how far you can go with a checklist.

You still have to outline the story and make your point, whether it ends
up being "ninth" grade level reading or higher.   Lots of researchers
follow a "story board" concept.  You break it down to the nth degree.
People at Disney always start off with brainstorming, then they get it
all down in story board fashion.  It's the oldest way to do it, and it
still works.


Olivia S. Anastasiadis
Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace