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Author: [log in to unmask]
Subject: artist position vacancy (fwd)
05-20-1997 09:13 PM

Here's a posting from Kris McCall:

                     Tom Hocking, Moderator, Dome-L Digest
        New Home Address: 1753 Edinburg Square #8, Indianapolis, IN 46219
             voice: (317) 357-0288         email:  [log in to unmask]
               Planetarian's Electronic Daily Digest (Dome-L)
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 00:25:54 -0600 (CST)
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: artist position vacancy

Dear Colleagues,

 I regret to announce that our artist recently resigned to pursue
his own personal opportunities. That has left a vacancy on our team, and I
have not received any good applications from local sources. So, I thought I
might cast the net more widely.
 I realize that the list below is quite daunting and that I am
asking for the moon, but as the cliche goes Raim highS. I am hoping to find
someone with a broad range of artistic interests and abilities who also
understands what it means to work in a private, not-for-profit science
 Before someone flames me about the salary not being listed, I am
still working with my superiors to try and increase the amount we can
offer. The last time this position was filled the range was something like
$18,000 to $22,000. If you are insulted by this, I am sorry. If you are
challenged by this, then I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Well, here goes . . .

Planetarium Production Designer
Sudekum Planetarium of the Cumberland Science Museum

Position available May 1st, 1997.
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.

Supervisor - Director of Planetarium

Primary Skills Required -

% Computer-assisted artwork and slide production, using Photoshop,
Illustrator,    QuarkExpress, and other software packages
or equivalent, to create still images    through digital

% Custom computer animation, using Photoshop, MacroMind Director, and
Strata   Studio or equivalent, to create full motion video

% Usage of traditional art media: watercolor, pen and ink, acrylic,
colored pencil,    airbrush, freehand lettering, and

% Audio-visual design and execution; understanding and utilizing the
full capabilities   of multi-media.

% Photography

% Creating a consistent, cohesive program that will educate,
entertain, and inspire all   ages and that will appeal to
planetarium program purchasers from schools and
museums across the country and around the world.

Key Responsibilities -

% Oversee visual design of original planetarium productions (with the
Planetarium   Director): take a rough script and envision how it
will look, determine time and   materials needed to accomplish the
proposed visual design, and set deadlines.

% Creating original artwork for planetarium shows: involves research,
concept and   design of visuals, creating a workplan and
systematic execution of illustrations    according to the
deadlines; usually over 100 pieces per show including art and
graphics, line drawings, illustrations, cartoons, panoramas, portraits,
posters,    animation sequences, and special effects.

% Secure additional visual elements for shows: locate and acquire
rights for video   segments, secure free services such as
thermograms, solicit reduced rates for such   visuals as custom
computer animation and video services, and locate human
models for photography or artwork.

% Photograph all original art and any additional photography for use
in the    planetarium (as many as 500 camera shots per show);
uses a complex alignment   system that coordinates over 30

% Show installation of both original productions and shows purchased
from outside   sources: includes all aspects of slide preparation
such as cutting, mounting, masking,   opaquing, and layout
(averages over 250 slides per show), loading trays, repairing
problems, and alignment of projector systems.

% General maintenance of planetarium schedule board, slide, art, and
photograph files,   projector alignment, and planetarium lobby
display cases.

% Participation in program development: develop show concepts and sit
on script   committee from initial treatment to completion.

% Assist with audio production by reviewing narration auditions,
suggesting audio   material to complement and enhance visual
design, review audio mix, and make   general suggestions.

% Assist Director with show sales: design and execute direct mail
marketing effort,   create full-color promotional posters,
arrange for quality and quantity of printing, and  prepare bulk mail.

% Create printed support materials for all aspects of planetarium
operations including   STARLAB promotion: includes posters,
brochures, ads, direct mail efforts, securing   bids from printers,
bulk mail, etc.

% Coordinating the VISIONS OF SPACE Student Art Contest: involves
designing   the brochure, receiving and cataloging over 500
entries per year, securing    sponsorship which pays for
all contest expenses, free services, and judges, hanging the  exhibit,
answering questions, and arranging for the return of all the entries.

% Represent the Planetarium and Museum on a personal level: present
papers and   demonstrations at regional planetarium conferences,
invited to present work at   artist seminars, interviewed by
media, speak to Board members and volunteers as   well as
other groups touring the Museum and its facilities.

% Create artwork or printed materials for collaborative efforts with
other departments   or institutions.

% Assist with special projects such as Astronomy Day, eclipse
viewing, star parties,   theater renovation and cleaning,  STARLAB
maintenance and special programs report to Sudekum Trust, budget
preparation, bulk mail preparation, and others.

% Assist with public inquiries (especially requests to borrow
slides).  This may involve   one or two slides or as many as 150
for a Nashville Symphony space themed concert.

Benefits: salary to be determined
  10 days paid vacation
  individual hospitalization fully paid
  creative opportunities
  working with a really great team

If interested, contact  Kris McCall, Director
   Sudekum Planetarium
   800 Fort Negley Boulevard
   Nashville, TN  37203
   615-401-5077  voice
   615-401-5086  fax