In a message dated 97-05-06 22:23:48 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Ross Weeks
Jr.) writes:

> I guess there's a right to do it.....companies often "spy" and so do
>  governmental make sure only business is conducted on line.

I learned the hard way that companies definately have the right to read one's
emails and they do, in some cases. At a former job, for reasons unknown to
me, my posts to museum-l were being monitored. I was reprimanded for
discussing "in house" business in an open forum, something that was
apparently not allowed. I was asking my internet colleagues for advice on
museum standards and protocol. Anyway, several weeks later, I discovered
copies of emails that I had received, but never printed out on another
employee's desk in another division of the company. My advice is to be
prepared to justify every email you send or receive and ask your direct
supervisor to review anything you send out. That way you are protected from
accusations based on ignorance. Sign me, Burned Once.

- (Adrienne)