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A library patron is looking for more information on an exhibition of
French art that took place in Moscow in 1928, organized, he believes, by
the Academie des sciences (Akademiia nauk SSSR?) or the Academie des
sciences et des arts, if there is such a thing, in Moscow.  The patron
has evidence that a  painting by Jean Souverbie was included in the

Can anyone give me a hint?  I've searched RLIN under Akademiia nauk SSSR
but find no records including  the words "exposition" or "art" or
"francais" for 1928.  I don't know for sure whether there was an
exhibition catalogue, of course...but I also don't have access to
reference sources for Soviet art history.

A side note: The Dictionary of Art has an incorrect volume/page
reference for Souverbie in the index, with no separate entry on him.
Anyone happen to know whether he's actually mentioned in the Dictionary

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lu Harper
Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester
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