Greetings All,
        Recently our museum system acquired a large collection of hand-crafted
" O" size Railroad engines and cars that has a considerable value attached to
it. We are depending on a group of local model railroad enthusiasts to help us
create a working exhibit layout. My situation is that I need a good reference,
in plain English, and preferably with pictures to convince them of the need for
them to wear the white gloves as they work with the collection pieces. Perhaps
something that demonstrates how a fingerprint can eventually burn itself into a
metal object, or other example of metal damage by skin oils.
        The volunteers have a lot of respect for the originator of these
pieces, so if I can give them a good example of why it is necessary I think
they will go along with it, but not just on my say so. We have problems here
with other volunteer groups who can't understand why they can't have tea and
cocktail parties on the Victorian and Art Deco furniture at our other sites -
so I'm fighting an uphill battle in respect to conservation. Our curator has
fled for the hills, and we are looking for a new director, so I'm the only
thing standing against possible abuse of the collection. I can use all the help
I can get. Feel free to respond to me off list, and thank you in advance for
any help you can provide.
                D.R. Grauberger
                Museums Keeper
                Cedar Falls Historical Society
                Cedar Falls, Ia. U.S.A.
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