National Trust for Historic Preservation - The Past Builds The Future

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preservation-related resources. An interactive discussion forum on
preservation topics of the day. All of it part of the National Trust9s new
information-rich site.

Preview the award-winning, members-only magazine, Preservation. Visit one
of the Trust9s 20 stunning historic properties. Plan an historic Study
Tour of the North Pole, Historic Virginia, or Mexico9s haunting Copper
Canyon. Ask questions about your historic home, unearth gardening tips,
and learn the jargon of historic preservationists. Wonder at over 100
Historic Hotels in 35 states--and then make your reservations. Take a ride
on a java-enhanced time line, and take a look back at the proud past of
America9s preservation movement, decade by decade. Test your knowledge:
Take an architectural styles quiz and register to win prizes. Find out
more about the acknowledged leader of the United States historic
preservation movement.

Join us. Join hundreds of thousands of others. Join the National Trust.

Come to It9s the future of the past.

This site was developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation
and New Media Publishing.

For additional information please contact Lori Schuman at the National
Trust for Historic Preservation. Email:  [log in to unmask] Telephone:
(202) 588-6047.

At New Media, please contact Ken Weber. Email: [log in to unmask]
Telephone: (703) 534-7201.

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          National Trust for Historic Preservation

The Past Builds The Future

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