I would have loved to access the posting, especially since I hear it was
job listings.  I have MS Word, but for some reason I was unable to
convert the message -- I think my version of MS Word is too old.  I don't
want to belabor this point further, but could the person that originally
posted this message (I accidentally deleted it when it wouldn't convert),
please send me this message directly.

Thank you.

Laura Mahoney
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution
[log in to unmask]

>>> Aloud_zine Art News El Paso <[log in to unmask]> 04/07/97
12:03pm >>>
Some of us on the M/List would have LOVED to have deciphered the
attachment, but that proved to be fruitless.  It's like sitting at a
table of colleages and having them talk about someone you don't know.
Hardly the end of the world, as someone said, but quite unfair.  Yet,
is fair in love and war?
