David - just trying to be friendly.  I was cautioned about some people
on the list being a bit reserved but I apologize for bothering you as
much as it seems I've bothered you.  I wasn't promoting discussion about the
Selena film as you suggest, just that you consider seeing it--feeling its
energy, amid a sea of brown faces.  It's a great cultural experience,
just like museums!  Museums should be as popular, well-attended
and supported as the Selena film, at least, that's why I'm involved in
the arts, to democratize the bastions.  So, how do we bridge those gaps
and provide opportunities for this interaction to take place?  For those
of you unfamiliar with my posts, there's a method to the madness, it's
about promoting discussion about/for/of museums.  And as many of you
know, I seek to tackle the social/political issues affronting museums,
which are not always addressed, hence not always popular.  I stand firm
in my beliefs.
