I'm really hoping that someone on the list can give me some help.

I am looking for restaurant prices from the 1950s.  I've been asked to
recreate a diner menu for our upcoming 1950s exhibit, and I'd rather not
guess on pricing.

One would think that a 1950s menu wouldn't be so hard so find, but I've
tried the University of Iowa Library's Special Collections, the State
Historical Society, the county historical society, and local restaurants that
were open in the 1950s.  No luck on having any menus for diners or
"family" restaurants.  The closest I came were railroad dining car menus
from the 1950s, which didn't even serve burgers or sandwiches, and
menus from the 1920s and 1930s.

Is there a museum out there that has a spectacular menu collection who
might be willing to help me out?  Please reply off list since I'm sure I'm the
only one on the list interested in 1950s diner menu prices.

Thanks so much in advance.

Christine Mouw
Assistant Curator
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum
West Branch, Iowa  52358
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