In article <[log in to unmask]>, Aloud_zine Art News El Paso
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Don't sell yourself short and say that museums aren't going to hire you
>because you're not (in your own words) "in the target population for hiring
>initiatives in museums."  There's opportunity for many hard-working folks
>to work in museums in the USA.  Yes, there are initiatives to hire and
>retain people of color, but women, regardless of nationality are also
>sought after.

aaahhh.  so if you're a white male, you have to worry!

>Remember, this discussion centers around groups of people
>who have been excluded historically.

need one point out the problems historically involved with viewing people
as members of groups instead of as individuals?

>I do differ with your comments
>that "teenage mothers, people transitioning out of welfare,
>displaced homemakers..." wouldn't make good candidates for internships.
>They would.

assuming they are truly interested in museum studies and not just looking
for a job.

>If you were a displaced homemaker who knew how to budget, how
>to manage a family and were offered an internship at a museum, how would
>that make you feel?

if you were a qualified individual with a specialty in some aspect of
museum work and were passed up simply because you were viewed as the
member of a group, how would that make YOU feel?

>I can't help to think that this experience would
>transform not only this homemaker but her family and friends if she had a
>postive experience.  And aren't we talking outreach here, trying to make
>museums feel like part of the family.
>I'm sure that kind of atmosphere
>exists at the Silver City Museum.  Imagine the possibilities of people
>reaching out to other people they never imagined and connecting in ways
>they never thought they could.

plus, since you can hire interns at a rate of next to nothing, there's no
need to go searching for truly qualified candidates who might expect more
than minimum wage for their expertise.

please read the text before responding publicly.
i do not respond to unsolicited email.