The Latinos in Museums dialogue is just the tip of the iceberg of the
lack of people of color in museums.  I think we're at the point of the
discussion where we've identified a CRISIS of the lack of
minorities/people of color in the field.  Now comes the next part.  How
as a museum society do we change this fact?  Put your seatbelts on, we're
entering the IDEA phase of the discussion!  Henry B. Crawford mentioned
the need to do OUTREACH.  Let's hear from those individuals who have some
innovative and successful ideas of EXPOSING young people to museums?
I have several:

Is there anything like a national museum week where people in the field
visit schools and promote working in museums?  How many of you make it a
habit to participate in career day in local educational institutions.  I do.

Another idea would be to suggest to schools that they include museums as
components of micro-societies.

Another would be to offer internships not only to qualified people but
also to teenage mothers, people transitioning out of welfare, displaced
homemakers, what are termed "at risk" youth...

I'm sure people have many more GREAT ideas out there. C'mon let's hear
them, don't be shy.  And yes, I do :).  Remember, no speeding.


P.S.  Sara, you many not be able to help bring Latinos to museums, but
you can bring awareness to the problem, please stay tuned.