A.R.T.I.S.T. Demonstration  and Paint-In
THIS Thursday, March 6th 1997, 10:45 A.M.
in front of N.Y. City Hall
["An exhibition of paintings is not as communicative as speech,
literature or live entertainment, and the artists' constitutional
interest is thus minimal".
Quoted from pg. 22 of N.Y.C.'s appeal brief to Supreme Court.]

ARTISTS: Protest the Giuliani Administration's street artist arrest
policy and U.S. Supreme Court appeal which seeks to eliminate
First Amendment protection for all visual art!
Demo/Rain or shine/ Please come 10 minutes early, bring your
art, something to paint on and a protest sign.
Let's show the Mayor that art is expression!
(take N or R train to City Hall Station)

For detailed information on the street artist Federal lawsuit visit
the A.R.T.I.S.T. web page at:
http://www.openair.org/alerts/artist/nyc.html [It includes
contact #'s; a bibliography of newspaper articles; the case's
rulings; previous press releases; descriptions of arrests, etc.] or
Robert Lederman, president of Artist's Response To Illegal State
Tactics [log in to unmask] (718) 369-2111 or (212) 334-4327
Press kits, photos of arrests etc. available on request.

N.Y.C. Corporation Counsel (representing N.Y.C. in the appeal)
(212) 788-0303 Leonard Koerner, Elizabeth Friedman, Robin