Apologies if this gets posted to Museum-L twice. Not sure that the
first posting yesterday made it out beyond our network.

We would be very interested in hearing from you if you will be
attending the Canadian Museums Association (CMA) conference this
June in Ottawa, and have been involved in projects with museums,
galleries, historic sites, etc. etc. using electronic distribution and
communication methods (web sites, CD-ROM production, other new
technologies). We would like to suggest a few speakers to add to a
panel discussion put on by the Museums and Electronic Distribution SIG
of the CMA. Each panelist will be asked to make a presentation from 10
to 20 minutes in length. My understanding is that in return for your
contribution you will be entitled to one free day's registration at
the conference.

The response time on this is tight. We need to hear from you by
Monday morning, Feb 24 latest to add your name to the list of
possible panelists being considered.

If you are not attending the conference, but have been working with
these technologies in the context of museums, etc. we would still be
interested in hearing from you as we are working on another project
where we could use your expertise and experience and, in turn, help
publicize the work you have been doing.
Sue Stackhouse, Professional Development Asst.& Membership
B.C. Museums Association
514 Government Street, Victoria, BC  V8V 4X4
Tel: (250) 387-3315  Fax: (250) 387-1251
Email: [log in to unmask]