Hi everyone!

Im the educational programs asst at the Hershey Museum.  I have recently
been given the responsibility for planning and installing a small (thank
goodness!) part of our next special exhibit.  Not knowing ANYTHING about
exhibit installations, Im asking for members to please quiz their exhibits
planners for me!

I am soliciting "memories" from local residents which will be printed.  I
would like to present the majority of these memories in a "flip book" type
format, with some possibly being enlarged and placed on walls of exhibit
interspersed with photos.  Has anyone done anything like this before?
Does anyone know of a cost-effective way to try to exhibit these
"memories?"  I checked prices for poster-sized hanging flip displays, but
they were way to expensive for our budget.

Please mail me privately at [log in to unmask]

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!!

Charlisa Summers
Hershey Museum