May i recommend Willoughby Associates?  they have a "series" of products
scaled to fit different museum sizes and types (and budgets!).  each system
they have is pretty flexible and can handle just about any level of detail you
may require.  You can reach them at 847-866-0401.

If you'd like to discuss your needs ahead of time I can also perhaps fine tune
your search for the "right" tool.  i can be reached by e-mail privately at
[log in to unmask]

Gary Acord
[log in to unmask]
From:   Museum discussion list on behalf of Jeffrey Grimes
Sent:   Wednesday, February 19, 1997 1:53 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Museum System software

I work for a small military history museum and am wondering if there is a
defacto standard for inventory and administration of museums.  I've talked
to two other museums in the area and they both use different software
programs to control inventory, etc.

Thank you.

Jeffrey Grimes, USNR
Secretary / Treasurer
Veteran's Memorial Museum
"They Shall Not Be Forgotten"