Steve Keller wrote:
>>> Finally: Other lists post FAQ's weekly so as to reduce the number of
>"How Do
>>> I Unsubscribe" questions, etc.
>>> Just my thoughts
>>> Steve Keller

someone else?:
>>One mailing list I know of automatically attaches a tag at the end of
>>each message describing how to subscribe, unsubscribe, or contact the

 Laura Roberts:
>Or take this advice from my husband - when you subscribe and get all the
>info about unsubscribing and other FAQ's, save the message in your mailing
>list mail box.

it might be helpful to know that there are other ways to read (and post)
MUSEUM-L postings in addition to being on the mailing list.  (i've never
seen a MUSEUM-L FAQ, but if this fact is not in there, maybe it should

if you have access to USENET you may be able to subscribe as you would any
other news group and use NewsWatcher, trn, etc. (this is how i view
MUSEUM-L).  if your internet usenet provider does not have MUSEUM-L as a
newsgroup option, you can ask them and they just might give it to you.

if you have access to the WWW, then you can view (and post to)  MUSEUM-L
through DEJANEWS  (which is also quite handy for researching any past
postings.   i've seen posts on other newsgroups that go back a long way!
it's also great way to spy on your colleagues.  you can search by group,
user, etc.  try searching on your own email address).

if you have any of these options available to you, i'd suggest you use
them.  it makes deleting or ignoring posts much easier and it will not be
you asks the "how do i ..." questions that some find so annoying.

as for SPAM, my sig has helped to some degree.  cut the SPAM in half, i'd
say.  as for the rest, i do mean it!  if i didn't ask for it, i delete it
without reading.  (i have noticed an increase in the SPAM messages that
have "as per your request" in the header.  i delete those too.  i find it
inconceivable that anyone can honestly be convinced (a) that i could be
tricked into believing that i actually requested the SPAM in question and
(b) that i'd buy something from someone who begins their sales pitch with
a blatant lie!

anyway, sorry for the rant, but the first part of my post may be helpful.

please read the text before responding publicly.
i do not respond to unsolicited email.