I am a member of this list so that I can discuss, with other museum type
people, museum topics in a logical and (hopefully) professional manner.

Chantel Cummins, much as I found your chain letter posting very amuzing, it
has no place on this list. Nor do I need to see pages and pages of details
about previous addressees.

Eric Caldwell, I appreciate any warning about viruses and hackers, but I
don't need to see 6 pages of previous addressees. I have a finite amount of
disk space which doesn't need to be filled up with totally useless

Can we please stick to museum related topics or at least intelligent

George Bailey
Objects Conservator
Australian War Memorial
Treloar Centre for Conservation
4 Callan St, Mitchell, A.C.T. 2911
Phone: +61 6 241 6122
fax:   +61 6 241 7998
email: [log in to unmask]