Please excuse duplications via cross-posting.

Regarding time and funding available for participation in/attendance
at professional activities - how is your institution's policy on this
defined?  Such activities would range from attendance at/participation
in local or non-local meetings to editing newsletters to researching
and writing for publication to.....
A colleague who works for a state agency related to history/archives
is interested in what criteria are used, e.g. - position you hold,
length of time employed, interest shown and willingness to do it, or...?
  If money is available to support travel to meetings, registration
costs for meetings and/or training, on what basis is it allocated?  Do
you have a written policy?  For purposes of this question, I think it
would work to not include the complexities of tenure issues at educational
institutions.  My colleague is hoping to help develop a policy statement
regarding such participation and financial support.  Thanks for your help.
Please post comments, etc. to the list - I'm assuming others are interested
in the topic - and I'll forward them.
Carol Edwards

Carol A. Edwards, Head
U.S. Geological Survey Field Records Library
MS 914, Box 25046, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
phone: 303/236-1005    fax: 303/236-0015
email: [log in to unmask]

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