In article <[log in to unmask]>, Kersti
Krug <[log in to unmask]> says:
>Gee, Hank, we Canadians can't afford those nifty intelligence gathering
>satellites that you Americans have, so we use our museums, particularly
>war museums, for gethering intelligence.  In this case, I guess they
>didn't get it.

No, no, Kersti, those are TV satellites--they do the opposite of gathering
intelligence. The U.S. uses Netscape Cookies to find out about us.

Oh yeah.... ;-)

Doug Hoy              Evaluation           National Museum of
[log in to unmask]              &              Science & Technology
(613)998-6863v         Research       P.O.Box 9724, Station T
(613)990-3654f                          Ottawa K1G 5A3 CANADA
**Opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by the NMSTC**