Hey Byron - contact a former colleague of mine from the National Firearms
Museum, Ivan Ingraham at [log in to unmask], he can give you specifics, but if I
remember correctly, when we were looking at cheap mounts, we found an
excellent solution that is still being used at the museum. The mounts don't
scratch the guns, and are strong enough to support the guns with minimum
visual distraction. If Ivan can't give you the name of the supplier, call
Doug Wicklund at the museum at 703-267-1602. Good luck!

- Adrienne

In a message dated 96-12-07 12:45:02 EST, [log in to unmask] (Byron Johnson)

>Our museum is preparing to update some displays of historic firearms in
>ancient vertical cases with pegboard backs. We are discussing several
>mounting options for long arms and pistols
>and the question of sources for "prefab" mounts has arisen. While it is
>possible to have custom plexiglas mounts made, the price is prohibitive.
>We would be grateful to hear of solutions developed by other institutions
>and supply sources for the raw materials.