Hello, I would be extremely grateful to recieve anybodies views or
guidance on charging policies for taking photos. Basically I am working
very slowly on a book that will no doubt have little chance of
commercial success but reflects my own interests ( mocha ware since you
ask ). To be fully comprehensive and to contain photos of pots outside
of my own humble collection I will need to have access to museum
collections, what can I expect to be charged to take photos of
collections. Will I even be allowed access to collections. Who then
holds the copyright to these pictures ? Any information would be very
If you know of any sources of information or collections of mocha ware
and are prepared to let me know, well of course I'd be delighted and you
would naturally be acknowledged when the book is one day completed.

Many thanks.
Paul Bohanna.

Bohanna Publishing,
Gloucester, GB.
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