Thanks. So they accredit academic programs. Do they also
accredit museums? Interesting combination - sort of as though
the AALS (American Association of Law Schools) accredited both
law schools and law firms. Interesting.
Also, what are "art centers?" Are they "museums?" Or are they
different but equivalent? Please excuse my ignorance, but I am
an outsider, whose specialty is higher education, trying to understand.
Or do I misunderstand totally, that this "non-degree accreditation
process" is, too, involved with "programs," quasi-academic programs
involving the delivery of instruction, with a credentialing outcome of
some kind?
Henry Grunder, Ed. D.
>According to Indianapolis Art Center:
> > (will someone
> >please identify NASAD for me?
> NASAD is the National Association for Schools of Art and Design.  They
> accredit university art programs as well as having a non-degree
> accreditation process for art centers (like us!).
> Julia Moore
> Indianapolis Art Center