In a messge dated Nov. 24th Adreinne DeArmas posted:

In a message dated 96-11-19 19:07:36 EST, [log in to unmask] (Margaret
Bullock) writes:

>>Our museum is considering using Embark, a collections cataloging
>>for Macintosh. We've been told it's the "Cadillac" of such programs
>>available for Mac machines. Could anyone who is familiar with the
>>let me know how you like it, any bugs you've encountered etc.? Thanks.
>I personally love it, but ask [log in to unmask] about it - she's the one
>introduced it to me.
>- Adrienne

Ok I was going to stay out of this one as I used to work for DCI (the
people who make EmbARK, think they have changed the company name).  I was
a QA tester for the first release of EmbARK and I love it - and yes I know
its slow.  Biggest bug is that it is slow when networked, but its a hugh
program and they have had several years to work on the speed since I was
there.  If you have specific questions let me know and I'll try to answer

Chrissie Devinney
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