There are still a few places available for the UKIC Furniture Section

                Pest Attack and Pest Control in Organic Materials

                        Museum of London, 18 November 1996

The conference will explore the sources, control and eradication of pest
attack in organic materials pertaining to furniture.  It will address the
application of control and eradication techniques  available to the
conservation profession.  Toxic eradication methods will be covered briefly,
but emphasis will be given to non-toxic methods that include the use of high
and low temperatures and reduced oxygen environments.

9.00    Registration and Coffee
9.30    Introduction
9.45    David Pinniger (Consultant Entomologist)  - Identification of insect
        pests and damage
10.15    David Horden (Private Restorer) - The particular problems
        encountered in furniture and architectural woodwork
10.45   Roy Thomson (The Leather Conservation Centre) - The effects of pest
        attack on leather
11.15    Valerie Blyth (Senior Textile Conservator, Victoria and Albert
        Museum) -  Textile pest management at the V&A
11.45 - 12.15   Questions
12.30   Lunch
2.00    Robert Child  (Head of Conservation, National Museums and Galleries
        of Wales) - Detection, monitoring and control
2.30    Mark Nicholson  (Thermo Lignum) - Anoxic atmospheres in conjunction
        with heat/humidity
        Dr Werner Rotberg  (Thermo Lignum) - The Thermo Lignum  controlled
        heating/constant humidity method
3.15    Tea
3.45    Nick Umney (Assistant Head of Furniture Conservation, Victoria and
        Albert Museum)  An investigation into the use of  low oxygen
        atmosphere for insect pest control
4.15    Helen Lloyd (The Housekeeper, The National Trust)  Good Housekeeping
        - Prevention is Better than Cure?
4.45 - 5.30     Forum

There will also be a poster session and "trade fair".

Cost: 35.00   (Student Rate 25.00)      Includes lectures, postprints,
"trade fair" and refreshments (morning coffee, buffet lunch and  afternoon

To book please phone to:
Lyndsay Piper  01993 878593

If you cannot attend the conference but are interested in  buying the
postprints or contributing a paper on your own 'pest experince', please
E-mail  or snail mail:
Dominique A. Rogers
Ganapati Kumari, Pin Mill,  Ipswich,  IP9 1JW. UK
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Dominique Rogers
[log in to unmask]
Ganapati Kumari, Pinmill, Ipswich, IP9 1JW, UK.