For assistance in identifying various types of architectural and
engineering drawings, you may wish to check:
"Photo-Reproductive Processes Used for the Duplication of
Architectural and Engineering Drawings: Creating Guidelines for
Identification" by Judith Reed, Eleonore Kissel, and Erin Vigneau, in
"The Book and Paper Group Annual", v. 14 (1995), pages 41-49.
Misses Reed and Vigneau are identified as being with the New York
Botanical Garden Library, which - the article says - has a large
collection of such drawings.
Also, I wonder what help might be obtained from:
American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.  [I don't have ZIP]

Also, I'm checking for a National Park Service office which may have
preservation information; I'm thinking about e.g. the Frederick Law
Olmstead National Historic Site which has lots of blueprints.  I'll
report if I find more information.
Good Luck.  Carol Edwards

Carol A. Edwards, Head
U.S. Geological Survey Field Records Library
MS 914, Box 25046, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
phone: 303/236-1005    fax: 303/236-0015
email: [log in to unmask]

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