Firstly, let me commend your incredible efforts and dedication to the field
of museum work.

However, I must ask you to be sure to be clear of what vision you are
operating from - personal or that of the institution?  Unless you have full
backing (in terms of this place paying you for your expertise and hard
work) I would be careful how high you build.  Until the institution has to
pay you for your work, they will in no doubt let you build as high as you
would like.  How will you look for gainful employment while you are busy
helping this institution gain some visibility?  Yes, this is a catch 22 issue
because this experience will without a doubt help your chances at
employment.  I think you said it best yourself:  focus on creating projects
that will help the institution sustain itself, but create programs that will
sustain themselves once you have moved on to a paying career position.
Hope I was helpful.
