So-called "3rd generation" microfilm, whether vesicular, diazo,
or even silver halide - the "user" or "service" cop(ies) - is
frequently severely scratched. If yours is so, you will
probably want to try to locate and contact the holder of the
2nd generation, or "printing" copy. You might end up
leapfrogging that copy for the camera master, if the holder of
it turns out to be other than the holder of 2nd gen, but that
is not too likely. We have tried to make enlargements from
newspaper microfilm, 3rd gen, and has not been too successful.
.According to [log in to unmask]:
> I am working as a volunteer at a local museum and we are attempting to create
> an exhibit which revolves around editorial cartoons from the area.  The only
> newspapers we have are on microfilm and we were looking for ideas on how to
> make use of the cartoons in these early papers.  If anyone has any experience
> with reproductions from microfilm I would greatly appreciate it.
> Sincerely,
> Stacy Spatz
> Volunteer
> Museum of the New South
> Charlotte, NC