hi, i am sort of visiting this group to ask for some advice.  for the past
few months i have been looking into sending my parents to
italy/france/spain on a sort of art tour.  (to last for a month or so).
they especially want to see the picasso museums in france and the prado in
madrid.  my original idea was to try to hook them up with some sort of
pre-arranged tour of museums in europe, but i have been searching all the
(hundreds) of tour/travel agent sites on the web, and no such animal
exists.  (which i find sort of odd, considering the number of unique tours
that are out there).

i am now thinking i may join my parents on their trip, because they are
apprehensive about not speaking the languages and getting around.  (i
don't speak the languages either, but i'm not as nervous about asking
people for help) :)   i guess my questions to you all are A) are there
museum tours that i have just not been able to find out about?  B) is
there any other sort of organization i should be looking into, concerning
having some sort of english speaking contacts abroad, or people with
shared interests?  C) any other advice?

sorry for this wordy post.  thanks in advance for your help.

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