Readers of Museum-L:

     As a last-minute reminder before 21-day advance airline tickets are no
     longer available, let me take this opportunity to invite you to the
     ASTC Conference '96: Touching Minds Changing Futures to be held in
     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania October 26-29. It is still not too late to
     participate as an on-site registrant. For more information about ASTC
     '96, please see ASTC's website, For those people
     without access to the Web, please contact Karen Kajiwara at (202)
     783-7200 or e-mail to [log in to unmask]

     I look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!!

     -Steve Eichner

     Steve Eichner           Association of Science-Technology Centers
     Research Analyst                               Washington, DC USA
     [log in to unmask]                          ph: (202) 783-7200x130                      fax: (202) 783-7207