Vendors of museum automation products alert!  There are 5 booths remaining
to be rented in this year's Museum Computer Network exhibit hall!

This year's conference takes place October 30 through November 2 in
Ottawa, Canada, at the Westin Hotel.  We expect 250 conference attendees
and up to 30 vendors.

Book your booth now while some excellent space still remains!

For an invitation to exhibit or more information, contact Karen Neimanis at
(819) 994-1200 (tel); (819) 994-9555 (fax); [log in to unmask] (e-mail).

For information on sponsorship opportunities, adveritising in the
conference kit, registering for pre-conference workshops and the
conference itself, contact Kerridwen Harvey or Gail Eagen at the same
phone & fax numbers as above or [log in to unmask] (e-mail).