In article <[log in to unmask]>, Mariea Fisher
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>      Oh dear - eco museum = expression of 'man and nature'.  What kind of
>      definition is that?  Language in museums which represents people so
>      that women are part of the world is important and essential.

I'm sure G.-H.R. was referring to hupersonkind...

Luis Nadeau
[log in to unmask]

| "No one will win the battle of the
|  sexes. There9s too much fraternizing
|  with the enemy.2 - Henry Kissinger

> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: Re: What is an eco-museum?
> Author:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]> at -Internet
> Date:    26/9/96 2:15 AM
> Sifting through some articles I've had at home from my museum studies days I
> found the following definition of an eco-museum:
> "An ecomuseum is an instrument conceived, fashioned and operated jointly by a
> public authority and a local population.  The public authority's
involvement is