In the pages of Melbourne's print media and talk back radio there is an
ongoing debate about the proposed design and location of the State Museum to
be built in the Carlton Gardens adjacent to the historic Royal Exhibition

Opponents to the proposed development believe that the design will
detrimentally impact on the historic building and would better serve Melbourne
if it was relocated to a more strategically located site within the cultural
heart of the City.

 The proposed State Museum building to be built in the Carlton Gardens is 3
times the floor area of the existing historic building and will dwarf into
insignificance the Royal Exhibition Buildings, further the controversial
'Blade' structure will impose and obscure the view of the Exhibition Buildings
'Florentine' dome.  The Exhibition Buildings built in the 1880's for the
International Exhibition is a Victorian Icon.  The view of the Dome unobserved
seen above the tree line of the Carlton Gardens is a National and
international significance.
Members of 'Defend our Heritage' how are campaigning to have the development
stopped are calling on the State Government, State Opposition and those in
authority to reconsider the proposed development and ideally relocate the
State Museum to a more appropriate site that would better serve Melbourne and
in doing so protect part of marvelous Melbourne's Heritage.

Spokesperson for Defend Our Heritage, Anthony van der Craats,  claims
overwhelming support for the proposed development to be abandoned.  "The
silence is deafening.  The State Government and supporters have remained
silent and not addressed the broader community concern and criticism of this
development.  Most Victorians are unaware of the details of the proposed
development and when informed are appauld by the proposal".

Members of Defend Our Heritage in campaigning against the development surveyed
a number of people attending last years International Flower Show at which a
model of the proposed development was on display in the Great Hall.   "Over
85% of those consulted objected to the design and its impact on the Exhibition
Buildings"  A similar percentage responded to a survey held in the electorate
of Ivanhoe during the last State Election".

This is not just a local issue it effects all Victorians and Australians.
This site is of great importance to Australia and World Heritage.

Defend Our Heritage concerns are shared by a number of emanate people
including Barry Humphries (Who has refereed to the design as "Official
Neo-50's Vandalism"), Evan Walker former Minister for Planning, Professor
Miles Lewis Melbourne Architecture Department, Trevor Huggard former Lord
Mayor,  Tony Knox - Mietta restaurant, the newly elected City of Melbourne
Council and John Brumby - State Opposition.

The list of informed objectors is long.  Critics of the proposed development
say that the development has not undergone the proper processes of
consultation or planning and review that would normally be made for such an
important site.  No architectural historic assessment of the project or impact
statement has been made.

Why when there are many vacant sites within the heart of the City, each one
crying out for commitment and civic development, is the proposed State Museum
not relocated located to a site that would enhance Melbourne's role as the
Capital City.
It is a paradox that the State Government at a time when they are pulling down
the Gas and Fuel Buildings and planning to build a dome on the top of
Parliament House they are also planning to destroy part of Melbourne greatest
public assets and the view of the Exhibition Buildings Dome.  What's worst is
that there are better alternatives available that do not impact on our
historic building and the Carlton Gardens.

It is estimated that the new State Museum will generate over one million
visitors when opened.  With the opening of Melbourne's new Casino complex the
City is facing a crises.  With over 20 cinemas and Theatres in the Casino,
Melbourne's Bourke Street entertainment precinct and retail is under threat of
decline.  This coupled with the failure of the State Government to retain
major infrastructure in the City Center, the need to located and establish the
State Museum along the Cultural Spine of the City is of the greatest
importance.  Victoria deserves the best possible site and design for of a
State Museum.  There are a number of sites (Federation Square, Queen Victoria
Hospital and the former CUB site all ideally located within the heart of the
City that are far superior in location and overall benefit to the City and the

This fight to protect our heritage is not lost.  The Government must respond
and address the issues of Strategic development and design raised by the
community.  Failure to do so will forever undermine and reduce the value of
this project to Melbourne.

Anthony van der Craats
Defend Our Heritage
tel:  9348 1335