Oh dear - eco museum = expression of 'man and nature'.  What kind of
     definition is that?  Language in museums which represents people so
     that women are part of the world is important and essential.

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Subject: Re: What is an eco-museum?
Author:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]> at -Internet
Date:    26/9/96 2:15 AM

Sifting through some articles I've had at home from my museum studies days I
found the following definition of an eco-museum:

"An ecomuseum is an instrument conceived, fashioned and operated jointly by a
public authority and a local population.  The public authority's involvement is
through the experts, facilities and resources it provides; the local
population's involvement depends on its aspirations, knowledge and individual
It is a mirror in which the local population views itself to discover its own
image..It is a mirror that the local population holds up to its visitors so that
it may be better understood and so that its industry, customs and identity may
command respect.
It is an expression of man and nature...
It is an expression of time...
It is an interpretation of space...
It is a labratory, in so far as it contributes to the study of the past and
present of the population concerned and of its environment and promotes the
training of specialists in these fields, in co-operation with outside research
It is a conversation centre...to preserve and develop natural and cultural
It is a school, in so far as it involves the population in its work of study and
protection and encourages it to have a clearer grasp of its own future."

Georges-Henri Riviere
MUSEUM, no. 27, 1985

Sounds like a museum doesn't it?

Carla Morse
HMCS HAIDA Naval Museum
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Toronto, ON