The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria is
offering a three-day workshop in mid-October for any museum staff involved
in the development and management projects and activities involving
contractors and consultants:

Cultural organizations increasingly are working with contract employees and
consultants. Successful relationships can be both efficient and cost-effective
when built on a foundation of professional and business practice. This
workshop explores practical frameworks for contract and consulting work, and
discusses approaches to contractual relationships that ensure a positive
outcome for all involved. You will develop your knowledge on topics which
o defining roles, relationships and expectations
o articulating qualifications and standards
o designing terms of reference
o listening to the community
o reporting and accountability
o ethical and legal issues
o contracts and management
Facilitator: Jay Stewart is a consultant and member of the British Columbia Arts
Council, with twenty years of experience in museum management
Dates:  October 9-11
Please register by: September 11
Fee: $330 (non-credit only)


WEDNESDAY, October 9
The Changing World of Work - Realities of the Current Work World
o Current factors and issues affecting the non-profit sector and arts and
cultural professions
o What are consultants and contractors and whay they can do for you and your
o When to hire a consultant
o Organizing human and financial resources for the greatest effect
Roles, relationships and expectations
o Defining the work
o Developing terms of reference
o Time Management: reasonable, efficient and effective deadlines; interim
reports and/or reporting meetings
o Case Studies

THURSDAY, October 10
Developing Terms of Reference
o Work to be done: by whom; by when; product; standards
o Teamwork: who puts the team together; chain of command
Evaluating proposals
o Addressing the terms of reference
o Fees and Fixed Price Contracts
o References
o Case Studies

FRIDAY, October 11
Get It In Writing
o Contracts
o Copyright
o Confidentiality
o Finding consultants and contractors
o Reference checks
o Sources of funds
Course Wrap-up
o Reports on Case Studies
o Discussion and wrap-up

If you would like to receive further information on this course, along with
registration materials, please contact:
Joy Davis, Program Director
Cultural Resource Management Program
University of Victoria
Phone 604-721-8462
FAX 604-721-8774
email  [log in to unmask]

For detailed Program information, please visit our Web Site at