Hi Peter

I've suggested this before, if you are interested in related issues outside
of the US:  Miscast. Negotiating the presence of Bushmen. 1996 Edited
by Pippa Skotnes and published by University of Cape Town Press
Private Bag Rondebosh 7700 South Africa. It is a series of essays on
treatment and exhibition of the skeletal remains of bushmen in SA and
elswhere and accompanies an exhibition in the National Gallery in Cape
Town.  This project got a lot of pre-press because of the attempts to get
british and french museums to return some of the skeletal (and other)
remains of bushmen in their museums.

Your use of the term "non-Christian' through me a bit until I read the rest
of your message. Is it in general use? In SA we are a bit sensitive about
describing people, present or past, relative to other people. ie what
colour is 'non-white' and we have a standing joke about the American
journalist who went into the toilet designated for 'non-europeans', which
of course in the minds of apartheid legislatures meant black Africans. its
just a really nullifying way of describing people.

Just my 9c (at the current exchange rate) worth.

Kathryn Mathers