I couldn't agree more.  My whole argument is that a good applicant should
have both a solid cover letter to introduce a solid resume -- not just one
or the other.

>>> J./B. Moore <[log in to unmask]> 08/27/96 10:06pm >>>
>If a resume/cover letter doesn't catch their attention --
>you will not be relevant to the job.

I agree with John. All the jobs I need to fill require someone with good
organizational skills and writing communication skills, and if they can't
come up with a logical, reasonable resume and a clear, concise,
interesting letter (which are both about a topic they should know well,
namely themselves!), then they will not be able to do what is necessary
in the job.

Yes, the letter and resume ARE A TEST as well as a way to get the
facts fast!

Julia Moore
Indianapolis Art Center