The State Historical Society of North Dakota has, like many
other institutions, stored federal archeological collections
for decades with no recompense.  Now we are considering
charging for this service, but have no information on what
the market will bear.  While I will ask this question of the
feds, I wondered if any of you have thoughts on the matter?
If you charge, what $/volume or $/area figure do you use?

A "real cost" computation is not very realistic for us,
since we're in facilities which are already being paid for,
and any $ we take in will more likely go for staff and
supplies related to long term maintenance and care than to
paying the rent, lights, etc.  Thanks in advance for all

Of course, all opinions expressed are my own and not
necessarily those of my employer.

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C. L. Dill, Museum Director
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck  ND  58505-0830
P: (701)328-2666
F: (701)328-3710
E:  [log in to unmask]
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