I have prepared an html version of a paper on "Thesaurus principles and
practice" which I gave some time ago to a workshop at the Science
Museum, London. It is fairly elementary, but might be a useful
introduction to the basics, for those who are not familiar with the
construction and use of thesauri for information retrieval purposes.

It is at http://www.willpowr.demon.co.uk/thesprin.htm

My home site (URL in my signature block below) has a few rudimentary
lists of supplementary information about thesauri and terminology, which
I hope to develop further. There is also some background information
about myself and my work.

Comments and feedback welcome!

Leonard Will

Dr Leonard D Will                    Tel: +44 181 372 0092
Information Management Consultant    Fax: +44 181 372 0094
27 Calshot Way, ENFIELD, Middlesex   Email: [log in to unmask]
EN2 7BQ, United Kingdom              WWW: http://www.willpowr.demon.co.uk/