Neva-Hudson Company <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

[snipped for brevity
>We have an address: If you
>are using Netscape you can type that into the address line and it will take
>to the museum logo, a red neon sign with a blue "enter" button b
>elow. At present most of us will have to scroll our screens to get to the
>"enter" button.  Clicking on the enter button takes you to the first page of
>the Ethnographic Museum On-line.  This is a very snazzy piece of compu
>ter design produced by our "electronic curator" Eric Strub.  The centerpiece
>a Russian flag with a superimposed two-headed imperial eagle.

First impression:
Well, having snazzy images is all well and good but where is the text
alternative for those with visual impairment or blindness and those
with slow connections?
Text alternatives would be a good idea.

>If anyone will have some questions or will need any additional information,
>please contact:
>Dr. Longan at "[log in to unmask]",
>Arabella Stewart, Project Manager at "[log in to unmask]"
>Ivan Bakhurin at "[log in to unmask]"