to all interested parties:

The Naval Undersea Museum Library (NUML) is open for business.   The NUML
features a small but growing collection on undersea technology for research.
Specific areas include history, reference and technical manuals, diving and
undersea habitats, submarines, ROV's, and submersibles, undersea weapons and
weapons systems, undersea archeology and exploration, platforms-drilling,
mining, and exploration, oceanography and biology.

As a resource, reference work cheerfully accepted electronically, via
e-mail-fax-telephone, or by come in and do your own research in person from 10
am to 3 pm Pacific Time weekdays.  This is a free service.  The NUML is a
branch of the Naval Undersea Museum, Keyport, Washington.  We are the nation's
newest national museum and are operated by the Department of the Navy.

Our librarian is Pam Lingbloom and to connect electronically,
via e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
via fax:  (360) 396.7944
via phone:  (360) 396.4148  x230

Thank you for your interest,
Ron Roehmholdt