Dear Linda:

PMA 586 is still available.  We usually buy it from Dick Blick Art
Materials (1-800-933-2542) but we found it on sale at United
Manufacturers (1-800-645-7260) for * much*  cheaper ($47 vs $78/roll)

Good Luck!


Christine Mouw
Assistant Curator
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum
West Branch, IA  52358
[log in to unmask]

>>> <[log in to unmask]> - 8/12/96 9:12 AM >>>
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on 3M/Scotch Positionable
Mounting Adhesive #568? It comes in rolls and is a thin adhering
(I hope it is still being manufactured - real handy stuff.)

Linda Thomas
Pratt Museum of Natural History
Amherst College
Amherst, MA 01002 [log in to unmask]
(413) 542-2326