You wrote:
>You know, the last the "Good Times" warnings made their way about the
>list I'm, I posted an idea about how to handle these things - of
>I may have missed this list, so here goes -
>  1) Well-intentioned person posts virus warning.
>  2) Everyone on list keeps grubby fingers OFF THE KEYBOARD
>  3) List Owner looks into virus alert (if necessary) and posts
>"real warning," or "don't know" as appropriate.
>  4) For "hoax" or "real warning," we all get on with our lives. For
>"don't know" all the know-it-alls can blather happily.
>This way, if there's a real alert we'll all know about and if there's
>hoax we don't have our mailboxes cluttered with things like "tk's"
>Can we move on now, please?
>Paul Silbermann                  National Air and Space Museum
>[log in to unmask]             Archives Division
>**************These opinions are mine, not NASM's**************