In article <[log in to unmask]>, Tim
Talbott <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>My institution is considering switching to digital photography for
>collections records, but we're having trouble finding out how much disk
>space a scanned image will require.  We cannot deal with the one image
>per one 3.5" floppy disk that one saleman told me (10,000 disks for
>10,000 items?  Surely not?).
[ snip ]

>If we purchase a CD write drive, is there an approximate number of images
>we might hope to store per CD?

 You might look into Kodak's Photo-CD, they also have a method so that
images can be on the web and users can zoom in to look at details. A
link to them can be found in my Photography Resource list, just follow:

 Reading some of the comp.* groups that focus on CD-ROM's could be quite
helpful too. The state of the art in library science for instance, has
many knowledgable ppl reading/posting there. Folks who run CD-ROM
servers that use up to 100 discs and such.

      Good luck,

         Don Smith