A colleague of mine, not on the list, is an experienced writer/novelist who
has been writing some really great texts for our new museum exhibits (come
read them after Feb 1998) and managing our writing team and the production
of exhibition and other text.

He doesn't have a museum background, which in many ways has been a strength,
but he would like to share experiences and knowledge with others writing
in/for museums.  Is there a Museum Writers' Group, anywhere, or a group of
writers as part of interpretative services, perhaps?

Does anyone know of any meetings/seminars/conferences on writing or text (in
English) in museums that will be held in the US/Europe during 1997, say
March to July?

A specific response to me off list would be appreciated, unless there are
museum writers who would like to develop this as a thread on the list.

Stuart Park
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa,
Wellington, New Zealand.
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